Category Defense


Israel Hits Back: Iranian Assets Under Attack in Syria

Israel allegedly launched multiple strikes in recent days against Iranian military targets in Syria.  Well-informed journalists are saying that the unusual string of attacks came in retaliation for a northern Israel bombing earlier this month. A terror operative who infiltrated…

Israel Hints: US Approves Strike on Iranian Nuclear Sites

National security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi is hinting that the US approved an Israeli strike on Iran. Hanegbi made the comments after returning from meetings in Washington with top US officials to discuss the Iranian nuclear threat. The US and Israel…

Israeli Team Trains German Hospital for Missile Attacks

An Israeli medical team recently trained Berlin hospital staff to operate during times of war and under missile attacks. The Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv sent the team following a request from the German government, Israel Hayom reports. The…

Israeli F-35s, US Air Force to Practice Attack on Iran

Israeli F-35 fighter jets will take part in the upcoming US Red Flag exercise to practice a joint strike on Iran, N12 News reports. Israeli pilots will simulate deep infiltration into enemy zones heavily protected by air defense missiles, the…

Israeli Leaders Approve Billions for Iran Strike Budget

Israel’s leaders approved a boost of over $2 billion to the defense budget to prepare for a strike in Iran. Annual military spending will rise from about $16.5 billion in 2022 to more than $18.5 billion in each of the…

Israel Advances Strike Option As Iran Nears Red Line

The Israeli government decided to significantly elevate readiness for a strike on Iran’s nuclear program, N12 News reports. PM Netanyahu held five secret meetings with defense chiefs in recent weeks to discuss the issue, the report says. This comes as…