Israeli targets at high risk of attack in countries located near Iran and in other regional destinations, Counter-Terrorism Bureau warns.

Iran will continue to advance attacks on Israeli targets abroad in the near future, the Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned on Monday.
The terror alert was issued as many Israelis have been vaccinated for COVID-19 and are expected to travel abroad in large numbers, the Bureau said.
According to the travel warning, the highest risk of attack is in countries located near Iran, including Georgia, Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Israelis also face significant danger elsewhere in the region, including in Turkey, Jordan and Egypt, the alert said.
The Counter-Terrorism Bureau also noted that Global Jihad groups are highly motivated to carry out attacks in destinations frequented by Israelis, including Western countries.
Iran boosts terror activity
Israel issued the last significant terror alert in December 2020, shortly after the killing of Iran’s chief nuclear scientist.
In February, a veteran analyst warned that the Iranians will be launching a global wave of attacks on Israeli targets while aiming to blur the connection to Tehran.
Iran is believed to be behind several incidents in recent months, including a blast near Israel’s embassy in India and two attacks on Israeli-owned ships.
The security services are particularly concerned about Iranian attacks in Gulf countries. Israel is already implementing strict security measures in the region to counter the threat.