Tag West Bank

IDF on Alert for Terror Wave After West Bank Shooting

Israel expects Palestinian terror to intensify in the coming days and weeks following a shooting attack on three youngsters Sunday. The IDF is reinforcing its troops in the West Bank while also keeping a close watch on terrorist groups in…


Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Enters Explosive Period

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is heating up: tensions are mounting and could soon erupt into armed conflict on several fronts. Arab-Jewish violence is already exploding on the streets of Jerusalem, while political instability in the West Bank threatens to spark a…

Israel’s Shin Bet Foiled 90% of Terror Attacks in 2020

Security service thwarted 430 attacks in West Bank and Jerusalem as Israel continues to rely on advanced tech to uncover terror plots. The Shin Bet security service foiled nearly 90 percent of attempted terror attacks in the West Bank and…

Israel Faces New Terror Challenges in 21st Century

Israel’s security services are reinventing the war on terrorism as classic counter-terror doctrine is no longer relevant in 21st century. Israel is known worldwide as a leader and innovator in the fight against terrorism. Over the years, the IDF and…

Israeli Woman Brutally Murdered in West Bank Attack

Killer shatters skull of 52-year-old victim in wooded area near her home; security forces launch manhunt, treat murder as terror attack. An Israeli woman out for a walk was brutally murdered near her community in the northern West Bank. The…

IDF War Target: 300 Dead Gaza Terrorists Per Day

IDF adopts aggressive objectives for next battle with Gaza terrorists; new combat doctrine tested in recent military exercises. The IDF intends to use heavy firepower and kill numerous enemy forces to crush Gaza terror groups in the next conflict. The…