Analysis / Army Tells Israelis: Large War Getting Closer
The IDF is signaling to Israelis that the risk of a major military clash with Hezbollah is rising, and that it will be a destructive...
Geopolitical Intelligence & Analysis
Geopolitical Intelligence & Analysis
The IDF is signaling to Israelis that the risk of a major military clash with Hezbollah is rising, and that it will be a destructive...
Defense officials expect Hezbollah to use tranquilizers on a large scale to disable Israeli soldiers and civilians during a war. The IDF...
About 6% of Hezbollah rockets fired in the next war will explode in urban areas in Israel, IDF experts estimate. The army warns that...
The IDF will hold a large drill to test plans for conquering a strategic town in south Lebanon. Armored forces will simulate a battle to...
Israel will hold a national war drill to test emergency response on home front in large military conflict. The exercise will simulate...