Military jeep

Settler Violence Against IDF Soldiers Stirs Uproar

A group of some 30 West Bank settlers hurled stones at Israel Defense Forces troops early Sunday and slashed the tires of a military jeep. One soldier was treated at the scene for minor wounds. The army said that the…


Israeli Guards Kill Palestinian Armed With Knife

Israeli guards at a West Bank checkpoint shot and killed a knife-wielding Palestinian Friday evening. The assailant charged at the security officers stationed at the site, the Defense Ministry said. There were no reports of Israeli casualties in the incident at the…

Iran Makes More Threats to Destroy Tel Aviv

Iranian threats continue: An officer in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps is threatening to destroy Tel Aviv “soon” in an undated video circulating on social media. The officer made the comments at a public appearance in the presence of Iran’s supreme…

Are Israeli Settlers Losing Their Political Clout?

The 2019 election results spell bad news for Israeli settlers. Long considered to be a formidable force in Israeli politics, the hardcore pro-settler bloc appears to be in decline. Should the process continue, it could hold disastrous consequences for the…

President Trump

Israeli Protesters Say Trump Enabling ‘Genocide’ of Kurds

Hundreds of Israelis rallied near the US Embassy’s Tel Aviv branch on Tuesday to protest Turkey’s offensive against the Kurds. Demonstrators charged that President Donald Trump was enabling a “genocide” of Kurds in Syria by allowing Turkish aggression. The protesters…


Special Units to Fight Violence Among Israeli Arabs

The Israel Police will set up three special task forces to fight rampant violent crime among Israeli Arabs. The move follows a spike in shootings and murders in Arab communities in recent weeks. Some 600 Border Police officers, special forces…