Multiple sites attacked in alleged night strike by Israel; bombing comes after several Iranian cargo planes landed in Syria earlier in the day.

Israel bombed military targets near Damascus Tuesday night, Syrian defense officials say. The attack was carried out from the direction of the Golan Heights and several missiles were fired at multiple sites, according to local reports.
The alleged Israeli assault targeted ammunition depots of pro-Iran militias in southern Syria, Arab sources claimed. Earlier in the day, several cargo planes flew into Syria from Iran, likely delivering new arms and equipment for militia forces.
No details were provided on the exact nature of the weapons hit in the airstrike or on any casualties. The sites under attack were apparently located inside Syrian army compounds.
As usual, there was no official comment from the IDF following the strike. There were also no reports of Israeli fighter jets spotted in the region, unlike similar attacks in the past.
Recently, a veteran IDF officer warned that Iran continues to advance its military buildup near Israel’s borders despite ongoing IDF bombings. Various pro-Iranian militias operate in the area, in addition to the extensive Hezbollah presence in southern Syria.