Iran Timeline: Israel Races to Build 2022 Strike Option

Will Israel bomb Iran in 2022? (Photo: Pixabay)

Israeli ministers approved this week a huge military package to prepare for an attack in Iran. In parallel, the IDF continues to advance plans for a major assault, signaling that 2022 is the target date for a fully developed strike option.

The army will be using the latest funds to buy a large quantity of bombs and classified high-precision munitions for the Air Force, Ynet reported. The army will also acquire extra Iron Dome interceptors to counter massive Hezbollah barrages if a war erupts.

Meanwhile, IDF chief Kochavi okayed large parts of the operational plans to attack Iran, Walla News reported. The Air Force will soon start dedicated training to practice the new maneuvers, the report said. Notably, the various army branches are drawing up more than one plan.

The latest reports indicate that Israel is looking to finalize practical strike capabilities in 2022. Recent estimates suggest that the IDF will be ready to launch a broad military operation within 6-12 months.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz confirmed that Israel is quickly preparing a military alternative in case nuclear talks with Iran fail. Gantz told Ynet that the US always backed Israeli self-defense moves, and that he believes Washington will continue to do so.

In parallel, the IDF is preparing to hold the largest war exercise in its history, scheduled for May 2022, the Walla report added. The entire military will be mobilized for the mega-drill, which will simulate a war on multiple fronts including operations in Iranian territory.