Category Intelligence

Was Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Killed by Mossad?

Assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist bears hallmarks of Israeli operation; complex logistics required large intelligence network on Iranian soil.   More details are emerging about the assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh near Tehran on Friday. The…

Israeli Analysts Fear Wave of Terror in Europe

Israeli experts see high risk of terror in Europe, potential for growing cooperation between lone wolf radicals and global jihad groups. Recent attacks in France and Austria threaten to escalate into a wave of terror in Europe, a team of…

Expert Warns: Iranian Cyber Attacks Intensifying

Iranian cyber attacks pose growing threat as government-linked groups use ‘destructive’ skills to strike globally, Israeli analyst warns. Iranian cyber attacks are rapidly expending in scope and intensity, an Israeli expert says. By now, Iran has become a dangerous cyber power…


Manhunt for Suspect in Plot to Bomb Jewish Targets

Lebanese man linked to suspected plot to smuggle explosives into Argentina for attack on Jewish targets. Authorities are seeking a Lebanese man in connection with a suspected plot to bomb Jewish targets in Argentina. Security officials fear that he could…

Israeli Agents in Iran Killed No. 2 in Al-Qaeda

Two Israeli agents in Iran reportedly gunned down Al-Qaeda’s deputy chief after he started to plan terror attacks against Israelis and Jews. Israeli agents in Iran assassinated Al-Qaeda’s deputy chief and his daughter in August, the New York Times reports.…


Israel Planned to Kill Arafat in Lebanon Blast

Secret 1982 plan to kill Arafat and entire PLO leadership in stadium bombing cleared for publication; operation called off at last moment. An Israeli plot to kill Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in a huge explosion has been revealed for the…