PM Netanyahu Vows to Stop Iran’s Nuclear Project

Strong message to US and Iran: Israel will not be bound by deal that allows the Iranian regime to get nuclear weapons and will defend itself, PM Netanyahu says at Holocaust memorial service.

Netanyahu vows to stop Iran’s nuclear project (Archive: Roman Yanushevsky/

Israel has the power to prevent hostile forces from destroying it, PM Benjamin Netanyahu declared Wednesday in aggressive remarks directed at Iran. The Jewish State has a full right to defend itself, the prime minister said in a speech in Jerusalem to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Netanyahu also had a strong message for the US and Western powers, warning that Israel will not be bound by an agreement that allows Iran to obtain nuclear bombs. Earlier, Israeli officials said that they were troubled by recent American statements on the issue.

“Even to my best friends I say this: A deal with Iran that paves its way to nuclear weapons will not obligate us in any way,” the PM said at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial center. “There is only one thing that will compel us: Preventing those who aspire to destroy us from realizing their plans.”

Air force trains in Cyprus

Netanyahu warned yesterday that Israel will not accept a “dangerous” deal with Tehran, as a nuclear Iran will pose an existential threat. Israel must act against the fanatical Iranian regime that threatens to wipe the Jewish State off the face of the earth, he said.

The PM’s comments come as the IDF is upgrading its plans and accelerating preparations for a military strike in Iran. The army will reportedly draw up three separate plans and present them to the political leadership soon.

Air Force preparing for strike (Archive: Peter R. Foster IDMA/

Meanwhile, the Israel Air Force just carried out vital training sessions in Cyprus as part of a two-day drill. During the exercises, F-35 and F-15 fighter jets faced off against local air defense systems, the Cypriot military said.

The IDF is training overseas to familiarize its pilots with foreign terrains and practice long-range flights. Notably, the Air Force has been increasingly focused on preparing for strike missions in remote locations. Â