Israel Ready for Large Assault on Terror Assets in Gaza

Israel ready to attack (Archive: IDF/CC)

The IDF is expected to launch extensive strikes on terror sites in Gaza in case of a rocket assault on Israel. The army collected vast intelligence on military assets in the Strip and has already designated key targets for attack.

Israel sent a warning signal to Hamas two nights ago by bombing a secret site in Gaza after terrorists fired a rocket. The facility is used to store high-value assets during wartime, Walla News reported.

The strike was a message to Hamas that Israel has pinpoint intelligence about Gaza’s terror infrastructure. The IDF likely has accurate intel about other secretive sites in the Strip, the report said.

Hamas lost 2 important assets in the Israeli strike, military journalist Alon Ben-David reported earlier. The Channel 13 TV report provided no further details as not to reveal sensitive information.

Notably, the IDF revised Israel’s war plans in Gaza following the 2021 war. The army plans to prioritize an assault on rocket stockpiles in Gaza in early stages of the next conflict.

Tensions remain high near Gaza with all eyes on events in Jerusalem and Temple Mount. Defense officials believe that Hamas prefers to avoid a war at this time after suffering a heavy blow in 2021. But escalating tensions in the capital could lead to more rocket attacks from Gaza and trigger strong Israeli retaliation.