IDF 98th Division: One of Israel’s Primary Strike Forces

IDF commandos in action (Archive: IDF/ CC BY-NC 2.0)

The IDF 98th Division, also known as the Fire Formation or Paratroopers Division, is one of Israel’s most elite and versatile fighting forces. The Division played a pivotal role in the Gaza War and will also be at the forefront of a future conflict in Lebanon.

The 98th Division is recognized for its airborne capabilities and ability to rapidly deploy forces in various theaters of operation. Its primary objective is to spearhead operations that require swift and decisive action, utilizing heavy firepower and specialized skills to defeat the enemy’s most robust forces.

Initially designed to defend Israel’s borders against threats from Lebanon and Syria, the 98th Division has expertise in operating in mountainous and complex terrain. The Division’s forces fought in Beirut in the First Lebanon War in the 1980s and also participated in the 2006 Lebanon War.

However, after the eruption of the Gaza War in October 2023, the 98th Division expanded its activities to Israel’s southern sector. The division spearheaded critical IDF operations to dismantle Hamas terror hubs, neutralize high-value targets, and gather crucial intelligence.

The IDF Commando Brigade

The IDF 98th Division is composed of several brigades, including infantry, armored, and artillery units. Most notably, it includes Israel’s Paratroopers Brigade and Commando Brigade.

Formed in 2015, the Commando Brigade (also known as the 89th Oz Brigade) significantly enhanced the division’s special ops capabilities. This new strike force consolidated several IDF Special Forces units, most notably Maglan, Duvdevan, and Egoz, each bringing a unique set of skills.

The Egoz unit focuses on counter-terrorism and guerilla warfare, adept at engaging and neutralizing hostile entities in complex terrains. Egoz forces are trained to operate in varied environments, ranging from dense forests to urban landscapes.

The Maglan unit is renowned for its proficiency in reconnaissance and special ops behind enemy lines. Maglan troops specialize in intel gathering and pinpoint strike operations, employing sophisticated tech and military gear – including shoulder-fired missiles – to disrupt and eliminate enemy forces.

The Duvdevan unit specializes in undercover operations and direct action missions in hostile zones. Forces are trained to blend seamlessly into civilian areas, allowing them to execute high-risk captures and targeted raids at the heart of enemy strongholds. Like Egoz and Maglan, Duvdevan played a key role in the Gaza war.

The battle of Khan Younis

After the IDF’s initial foray into northern Gaza, the army’s High Command mobilized the 98th Division into Khan Younis in southern Gaza. This dense urban center featured a large concentration of Hamas military assets and terror forces, turning into a central combat zone and the site of fierce fighting.

The division entered Khan Younis in full force to conduct a series of coordinated assaults aimed at dismantling Hamas’ southern command. These operations involved house-to-house combat and clearing of booby-trapped buildings, where commandos demonstrated exceptional skill.

During the Khan Younis campaign, 98th Division combat teams raided hundreds of Hamas military sites. The forces were sent back into the city later on to take out remaining terror hubs.

While operating in Khan Younis, the division worked with other elite forces to destroy large sections of the massive tunnel network in the city. During these ops, specialized units employed advanced tech and tactics to detect, map, and neutralize underground passages.

Throughout the conflict, the 98th Division integrated cutting-edge technology into its operations. From AI-assisted battlefield management systems to advanced drone capabilities, the division has been at the forefront of the IDF’s efforts to leverage new tech in urban warfare.

Lebanon next?

Overall, the 98th Division’s performance in the Gaza war validated its status as one of Israel’s most capable elite forces. Moreover, by transitioning from its traditional northern focus to the distinct challenges of Gaza, the division proved its adaptability and readiness to respond to diverse threats.

But as the Gaza conflict evolves, the IDF has begun to shift its strategic focus to the northern front. The division, having gained invaluable combat experience in Gaza, is poised to return to its original area of expertise along Israel’s northern borders.

If a large-scale conflict erupts in Lebanon or Syria, the IDF will likely mobilize the battle-hardened 98th Division to neutralize Hezbollah forces, dismantle terror hubs, and knock out key military facilities. The Commando Brigade in particular has been training to launch rapid raids on high-value targets deep within enemy territory.