Ukraine and Israel will be paying the price of Western weakness, says a veteran national security analyst. As the West became addicted to soft diplomacy, it fails to contain aggressive actors such as Russia and Iran, wrote Doron Matza, a researcher at the INSS think tank.
Western policies, which aim to reduce friction by rewarding rogue regimes, are increasingly ineffective, Matza said. Without a credible military threat, this soft style is irrelevant for dealing with the hardliners in Moscow and Tehran, he wrote.
The result is that Ukraine is now paying the price for a weak international system, the analysis said. Israel will be paying it next, with a bad nuclear deal that will not curb Iran’s belligerent ambitions.
The evaluation echoes the latest Israeli criticism of US negotiation tactics on the Iran front. The Biden government turned diplomacy into a religion, senior Israeli officials said, warning that the emerging nuclear deal with Tehran will be meaningless.
Notably, Israeli analysts previously predicted that Tehran would exploit the West’s weakness to gain the upper hand in nuclear talks.
In the face of Western inaction, Israel now seeks US approval for covert ops against Iran’s ballistic missiles and nuclear weaponization, Channel 13 News reported. Jerusalem wants to secure full freedom to act, but it remains unclear whether US officials will agree, the report said.
Notably, earlier reports suggested that Israel is preparing plans for surprising moves against Iran.