New Mossad Chief David Barnea is threatening to launch more secret operations in Iranian territory, including assassinations. In parallel, key sites in Iran have been hit by mysterious fires and explosions in recent weeks.
The “long arm of Mossad” will continue to operate in full force against Iran’s nuclear program, Barnea said in a hard-hitting speech. The spy agency is personally familiar with officials who advance and direct Tehran’s nuclear project, he warned, in a thinly veiled threat that Israel could eliminate prominent Iranian players.
The incoming spy chief said that Israel has a wide array of tools to carry out its missions, including advanced technological means. Mossad has invested heavily in developing cutting-edge tech and unique capabilities that remain highly classified.
Barnea, a former IDF commando, is believed to be a strong proponent of aggressive action in Iran. He has a wealth of field experience, and started his career at a time when Mossad was focused on eliminating top terrorists. Early indications suggest that he will push for a fierce covert campaign against vital Iranian assets.
Wave of fires and explosions
Earlier this week, outgoing Mossad director Yossi Cohen called for intensifying secret operations against Iran. The Iranian regime must understand that it will suffer “immense damage” if it gravely threatens Israel, he warned.
The departing spymaster noted that Israel was able to strike “deep in Iran’s heart.” His comments highlighted the regime’s failure to stop high-profile attacks, including the killing of Tehran’s chief nuclear scientist. Israel never officially claimed responsibility for the operation but is widely believed to be behind it.
Meanwhile, Iran has been rocked by a series of apparent sabotage acts across the country. Most recently, a massive fire erupted in a refinery near Tehran today. Earlier in the day, a blaze onboard the Iranian navy’s largest ship forced its evacuation. The vessel later sank in the Gulf of Oman.
Previously, a powerful explosion damaged a military drone factory in Isfahan province, while another blast was reported at a petrochemical plant in Bushehr province. Notably, a senior IDF officer revealed a few months ago that Israel plans to boost its operations inside Iran.