Strategic change in Israeli-Saudi ties? Riyadh ready to advance quickly in face of immediate danger from Iran, says journalist with inside knowledge of latest developments.

Israeli-Saudi ties are quickly advancing behind the scenes, Arab affairs journalist Zvi Yehezkeli says, hinting to major progress in relations between the countries. The secret developments are linked to strategic defense issues but also have a diplomatic angle, he told 103 FM Radio.
“Something is cooking between Israel and Saudi Arabia these days,” Yehezkli said, citing personal knowledge of some of the details without elaborating further. The two countries are cooperating to prepare for major upheaval under President Joe Biden, he said.
The Saudis are apparently willing to progress quickly because they see an urgent need to respond to growing danger, Yehezkeli said. Earlier reports said that Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are discussing a defense pact to counter the Iranian threat.
Saudis under attack
Saudi Arabia has been under “crazy” attacks since the US decided to remove Iran’s Houthi proxies in Yemen from the terror list, Yehezkeli said. The Iranians are also pounding US targets in the region and “humiliating” President Biden, the veteran analyst said.
Key players in the Middle East now realize that the region faces a new era and a new order, he added.
Earlier, Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen urged the US to take a tougher approach to Iran. Defense officials are concerned that a soft US policy will encourage Tehran and its proxies to challenge Israel on the battlefield and terrorism front.