Israel Coordinates Military Moves on Iran Front With US

Israeli fighter jet (Archive: Peter R. Foster IDMA/

Senior Israeli officers are in Washington to coordinate the IDF’s next military moves against Iran. During the visit, US and Israeli defense chiefs will likely aim to agree on the outline of IDF operations after the expected signing of a nuclear deal with Tehran.

Jerusalem is seeking American approval for full freedom of action against Iran. However, the Americans will likely attempt to limit Israeli operations as not to derail the agreement or escalate tensions in the Middle East.

Israel’s military intelligence chief Aharon Haliva is in Washington to share sensitive intel information with the US, Ynet reported. Deputy army chief Herzi Halevi and General Tal Kalman, who is in charge of operations on the Iran front, also landed in the American capital for meetings with high-level officials, the IDF said.

The senior commanders will also be discussing the IDF’s response to an Iranian assault on Israel. The army is currently on high alert for an attack after two IRGC officers were killed in a recent Syria strike. Tehran widely publicized their deaths and promised to take revenge.

The IDF elevated its readiness in recent days, boosting air defenses and intelligence collection efforts. Israel is preparing for a potential drone or rocket attack but is also monitoring possible efforts to launch a border assault or hit an Israeli vessel.

An attack by the Iran axis will likely trigger a serious Israeli response and could severely escalate military friction in the region at a time of global chaos. Sooner or later, the IDF is expected to hit targets inside Iran as part of Israel’s new doctrine to counter Tehran.  Â