IDF Builds New Roads to Gaza for Military Vehicles

IDF tanks on road
IDF paves new roads to Gaza (Archive photo: Shay Wagner, IDF/Creative Commons)

Preparing for Gaza war: The IDF is building a large network of roads to Gaza for military vehicles. The new roads will enable rapid mobilization of armored vehicles and tanks in case of war, without passing through farmland, the army says.  

The IDF completed the first phase of this major engineering project in the last three months. The overall plan calls for paving dozens of kilometers of roadways in southern Israel.

The new roads to Gaza will also allow the IDF to deploy armored combat vehicles at less visible spots, a senior officer said.

Earlier, defense sources said that the IDF expects a clash in Gaza by late October. If fighting erupts, the army will be able to utilize the new road system to mobilize forces and military gear to the front.