Turkish Military Push in Syria Alarms Israel’s Leadership

Turkish military push in Syria (Grok AI)

Concerns are growing over potential military friction between Israeli forces and Turkish troops in Syria.

According to Walla News, Syria is poised to cede control of territory near the city of Palmyra (Tadmur) to the Turkish military in exchange for economic, military, and political support. Talks between Erdogan’s government and the new Syrian regime are reportedly in advanced stages.

This development sparked alarm in Israel, where officials fear that an expanded Turkish military presence east of Homs could pave the way for Turkish forces to move south, bringing them dangerously close to Israel’s borders.

Israeli security officials expressed a preference for a renewed Russian presence in Syria, viewing Moscow as a stabilizing force compared to Turkey’s ambitions. Meanwhile, PM Benjamin Netanyahu convened a security meeting Sunday to address growing concerns of a Turkish takeover in Syria, according to N12 News.

An Israeli defense official warned during a recent security session that direct Israeli-Turkish friction in Syria now seems inevitable, Walla reported. [Here’s a detailed analysis: Will Israel-Turkey conflict erupt in Syria?]

Turkey’s strategic buildup

Analysts suggest that Ankara aims to solidify its influence by establishing a new Syrian state aligned with its interests, potentially including a permanent military foothold.

An article in the Makor Rishon website warned that Turkey’s “strategic buildup” in Syria poses a significant threat to Israel, with some researchers noting that Turkish forces could move south from their northern strongholds, while others point to plans for airbases in northern Syria to project power across the region.

Though the extent of Turkey’s direct military presence remains unclear, the implications are profound. A Turkish foothold near Palmyra could grant Erdogan influence over key areas, while positioning Turkish forces within striking distance of Jordan, Iraq, and Israel.

As tensions rise, Israel is reportedly lobbying the US administration to counter Turkey’s growing sway, even advocating for Russia to retain its bases in Syria as a counterbalance. [Here’s more on Russia-Israel relations in the Middle East]