Israel estimates that Hamas significantly bolstered its ranks in Gaza to about 25,000 terror operatives following an aggressive recruitment drive. According to Kan News, Islamic Jihad has an estimated 5,000 fighters in Gaza at this time.
This buildup came as Hamas exploited the recent ceasefire to prepare for renewed fighting with Israel, raising growing concerns within the IDF.
Hamas used the lull in fighting to extensively fortify its positions across Gaza, Maariv Online reports. Terror operatives been rigging roads, tunnels, and buildings with explosives, creating a deadly network of booby traps designed to target Israeli forces.
In addition, Hamas intensified its intelligence-gathering operations on IDF forces to better anticipate and counter Israeli military moves. The group also installed cameras across Gaza to enhance surveillance ahead of potential IDF raids.
These preparations have been largely uninterrupted, despite Israel’s efforts to monitor the situation and occasionally neutralize Hamas squads caught planting explosives. Hundreds of terror cells are currently believed to be active across Gaza.
IDF officers now warn that Hamas is emerging from the ceasefire stronger and more organized than before, Maariv says.
The ceasefire, intended as a temporary de-escalation, has instead provided Hamas with a window to bolster its forces and military infrastructure. Notably, the group’s actions reflect a broader goal of maintaining its dominance in Gaza while projecting strength against Israel.
Meanwhile, the IDF launched fresh airstrikes on Hamas assets and operatives, effectively ending the ceasefire but not engaging in ground operations for now. Israel continues to warn that it will further escalate its military activity, but is not rushing to send large forces into Gaza just yet.