While attention is focused on Iran’s nuclear program, Israel faces more immediate danger on two fronts. Bombing attacks at home and Iranian terror abroad are emerging as growing threats in 2023.
Palestinian terror increasingly shifted from stabbing to shooting attacks in 2022, but bomb attacks were also increasing in frequency, N12 news says. This alarming trend will likely intensify in 2023.
Iran and Hamas are investing great efforts in setting up and supplying Palestinian terror cells, The Jerusalem Center think tank reported earlier. A recent warning sign was a car bomb that exploded near a military post in the West Bank. The attack failed, but we can expect to see more bomb plots with larger explosives in the coming months.
Meanwhile, ISIS-inspired bombings like the deadly twin blast in Jerusalem in November 2022 also pose a grave danger. Bomb-making instructions are available on the internet, and aspiring terrorists with scientific backgrounds can build powerful explosive devices.
To counter the threat, the security services are hunting for explosive labs in Palestinian areas. Israel will likely foil most attacks, but the scope and intensity of the bombings is expected to rise.
Iranian terror overseas
Iran significantly boosted its attempts to carry out attacks abroad in 2022, and this trend will continue in 2023. Tehran is aiming to attack high-profile Israeli targets overseas, N12 News reported.
Israel’s intelligence agencies foiled dozens of attacks in several locations in 2022, but the threat level remains high as Iran advances more plots. Mossad is monitoring this front closely with the help of other intel branches.
Notably, a deadly Iranian attack overseas will trigger a harsh Israeli response. Retaliation will very likely be delivered in the Middle East, and possibly inside Iran.
In parallel, Iran and Hezbollah are increasing weapons smuggling to Israeli Arabs and seeking to create a serious domestic terror threat. If a war breaks out, or even earlier, Israel will likely face armed attacks by local terror cells.
Overall, while Iran’s nuclear project remains Israel’s top priority, many resources will be invested in stopping other threats. Defense officials are also acutely aware that a major attack in Israel or elsewhere could trigger a broader military conflict.